Leif Associates, Inc.


Our Clients, Our Profession and Our Core Values.

See What We DoContact Us

Leif Associates, Inc.


Our Clients, Our Profession and Our Core Values.

See What We DoContact Us


Leif Associates is a health care actuarial, employee benefit and data analytics consulting firm.

We are experienced, stable, practical and efficient.

We live by our core values.


We care about our clients.  We treat our clients and other professional contacts with respect, honesty and a good attitude.  We know that each client is unique, with organizational objectives that may differ from others.  We strive to understand each client's organizational culture and adapt our approaches as needed.  We do not use cookie cutter approaches.


We work hard to always deliver work that is of high quality and presented in such a way that any audience can understand it.  We will not compromise quality because of time, budget or other demands.  We use a peer review process to ensure that our work is of the highest quality.  We do not take work if we do not have time to do it.  We only take work that we are qualified to do.


We strive to provide a work environment that promotes employee satisfaction and professionalism.  We strive to continually improve our skills and resources in order to better serve our clients.  We strive to always meet client deadlines and work within the client's budget.  We strive to charge our clients a fair rate for the services we provide.


We love math, but theoretical actuarial analysis in a vacuum doesn't always get the answers our clients need.

Considering facts and circumstances, Leif Associates delivers practical solutions to real-world problems.

Mathematical Expertise

Leif Associates consultants have degrees in mathematics, actuarial science, and computer technology. Our combination of financial mathematics and actuarial training allows us to find solutions to our clients’ business problems. We focus on helping clients find opportunities to achieve their objectives while minimizing and managing risk.

Practical Business Experience

Leif Associates consultants are active participants partnering with our clients to achieve their business goals.  We provide practical actuarial advice based on the unique facts and circumstances that each client faces.  We don’t waste time debating theoretical mathematical formulas.  Instead, we present the findings of our analysis and facilitate our clients’ ability to make sound decisions based on facts.

Analysis Proficiency

Leif Associates consultants work with databases of all sizes to derive information that can play a role in helping clients make better decisions.  Analytics involves the extensive use of data, along with statistical and quantitative analysis, to help drive decisions and actions.  In today’s world, the use of data is increasingly important in helping our clients achieve their business goals.


Elizabeth Leif, FSA

Elizabeth Leif, FSA

Senior Consulting Actuary and President

Dave Sigley, FSA, MAAA

Dave Sigley, FSA, MAAA

Consulting Actuary

Nic Ramey, ASA

Nic Ramey, ASA

Consulting Actuary

Clair Christofersen, ASA

Clair Christofersen, ASA

Associate Actuary

Steve Clark, ASA

Steve Clark, ASA

Associate Actuary

Melanie Maddocks

Melanie Maddocks

Senior Actuarial Analyst

Aurelio Alvarez

Aurelio Alvarez

Database Administrator

Harish Murari

Harish Murari

Healthcare Data Analytics Specialist

James Snowden

James Snowden

Data Analyst

Tianna Boyland

Tianna Boyland

Professional Assistant

Elizabeth Leif, FSA

Elizabeth Leif, FSA

Senior Consulting Actuary and President

Dave Sigley, FSA, MAAA

Dave Sigley, FSA, MAAA

Consulting Actuary

Nic Ramey, ASA

Nic Ramey, ASA

Consulting Actuary

Clair Christofersen, ASA

Clair Christofersen, ASA

Associate Actuary

Steve Clark, ASA

Steve Clark, ASA

Associate Actuary

Melanie Maddocks

Melanie Maddocks

Senior Actuarial Analyst

Aurelio Alvarez

Aurelio Alvarez

Database Administrator

Harish Murari

Harish Murari

Healthcare Data Analytics Specialist

James Snowden

James Snowden

Data Analyst

Tianna Boyland

Tianna Boyland

Professional Assistant


Leif Associates, Inc. - 303-294-0994

Elizabeth Leif, President - ejleif@leif.net
Dave Sigley, Consulting Actuary - dsigley@leif.net
Nic Ramey, Consulting Actuary - nramey@leif.net
Clair Christofersen, Associate Actuary - clairc@leif.net
Steve Clark, Associate Actuary - sclark@leif.net
Melanie Maddocks, Senior Actuarial Analyst - melanie@leif.net
Aurelio Alvarez, Database Administrator - aalvarez@leif.net
Harish Murari, Healthcare Data Analytics Specialist - hmurari@leif.net
James Snowden, Data Analyst - jsnowden@leif.net
Tianna Boyland, Professional Assistant - tboyland@leif.net

Denver Corporate Office

3401 Quebec Street, Suite 5015
Denver, CO 80207

California Branch

3333 Concours Street, Building 8
Ontario, CA 91764